How to make sense of lipidomics data?
The Lipidomics Webinar | Mathias Gerl
The amount and complexity of lipidomics data sets can be intimidating initially – but this does not need to be the case.
Watch this episode
This session of “The Lipidomics Webinar” aired on February 24, 2022 and you can watch the recording here!
Lipidomics provide unprecedented phenotypic details by accumulating large amounts of data. While these are potentially of great value, the amount and complexity of the data can be intimidating initially.
This webinar is designed to show the basics of lipidomics analysis. It will cover the characteristics of the datasets, e.g. their lipid substructure and multicollinearity, and how to deal with them. We will go through data preparation, how to calculate new features and how to use principal component analysis as a first impression. Then we will focus on univariate and correlation analysis combined with enrichment analysis.
Here is what you can learn
• General properties of lipidomics datasets
• Data cleaning and generation of new features
• How to perform univariate analysis
• What is enrichment analysis and how is it applied
Your Hosts

Dr. Mathias Gerl
Head of Data Science at Lipotype