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Advancing Your Career: Meet Marta Vicini

Explore Marta’s journey at Lipotype, where she discovers growth beyond academia and ventures into new industries for her future goals.


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Lipotype is the leading lipidomics service provider. Order your service. Send your samples. Get your data.

Scientists discussing experimental protocol in the lab.

4 minutes read

Marta’s love for science was matched only by her desire to see it put into action. She was determined to take her knowledge out of the classroom and into the real world, and that’s why she chose to undertake her master’s thesis project with Lipotype – the perfect opportunity to turn theory into practice. What would she discover? What new frontiers would she explore? The possibilities were endless, and Marta was ready to embrace them all. We would like you to meet Marta Vicini, a student assistant at Lipotype.

A woman smiling in the sunset

Marta says:

I thrive on energy and movement, which led me to cheerleading in college. Science is also my passion, and I aimed to channel it into an equally dynamic and exciting career.

Marta Vicini
Student Assistant

“I’m a person who thrives on energy and movement – that’s why I’ve been a cheerleader since my college days,” says Marta, “but science has always been my passion too, and I knew that I wanted to channel that passion into a career that was just as dynamic and exciting.”

Performing cheerleaders

Breaking boundaries: exploring new horizons.

Marta’s passion for biotechnology began during her undergraduate studies at the University of Genoa. But as much as she loved her home city, she couldn’t help feeling restless. She yearned to explore new horizons and test herself in unfamiliar territory. And so, with a heart full of determination and a head full of dreams, she set her sights on studying abroad.

It wasn’t an easy decision. Marta came from a big, tight-knit family, and the idea of leaving everything she knew behind was daunting. But she was driven by a desire to prove herself and to find her own way in the world. As she packed her bags and prepared to embark on a new adventure.

“They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger (laugh).”

Scientists discussing experimental protocol in the lab.

Beyond the lab

During her time at TU Dresden, she has gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of biotechnology and molecular bioengineering. She is now eager to put her education to the test by working in a real-world setting, which is why she has decided to join the Lipotype team as a student assistant on a research project.

Scientists discussing in front of mass spectrometry.

The project Marta is working on aims to optimize lipid extraction protocols for samples with low lipid content and high salt content, which can be difficult to analyze via mass spectrometry. By using solid-phase separation techniques, Marta and the rest of the team will be working to expand the range of samples that can be analyzed, thereby offering more comprehensive and accurate analysis services.

What is Mass Spectrometry?

Mass spectrometry charges and analyzes molecules, aiding in identifying and quantifying them. It’s valuable across fields, helping understand the impact of lifestyle and diseases by examining molecular information from lipids, metabolites, and proteins in the human body.

About mass spectrometry

Maria Walesch steht an einem Massenspektrometer in der Firma Lipotype in Dresden.
Sie analysiert bei der Dresdner Firma Lipotype die Zellbestandteile. es geht vor allem um Lipide. Sie spielen eine herausragende Rolle fürs Funktionieren des Organismus.

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Inhaltsveraendernde Manipulationen des Fotos bedarf der besonderen schriftlichen Einwilligung. Keine Weitergabe an Dritte.
D a r s t e l l u n g im I N T E R N E T ist grundsaetzlich honorar und mehrwertsteuerpflichtig; auch als 1 : 1 Kopie in I N T E R N E T - Ausgaben von Tageszeitungen und Magazinen. Autoren - Nennung auch fuer I N T E R N E T - Darstellung gemaess ss 1 3 Urh Ges.
A C H T U N G: Jede weitere Nutzung nach dem Erstabdruck des Bildmaterials ist ebenfalls honorar - und mehrwertsteuerpflichtig ! Belegexemplar erbeten.

What is Mass Spectrometry?

Mass spectrometry charges and analyzes molecules, aiding in identifying and quantifying them. It’s valuable across fields, helping understand the impact of lifestyle and diseases by examining molecular information from lipids, metabolites, and proteins in the human body.

About mass spectrometry

Maria Walesch steht an einem Massenspektrometer in der Firma Lipotype in Dresden.
Sie analysiert bei der Dresdner Firma Lipotype die Zellbestandteile. es geht vor allem um Lipide. Sie spielen eine herausragende Rolle fürs Funktionieren des Organismus.

Foto: ronaldbonss.com
 *** Local Caption *** Internet: http//www.ronaldbonss.com
Adresse: Stauffenbergallee 1c , 01099
Funk: 00 49 172 / 79 269 33

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Inhaltsveraendernde Manipulationen des Fotos bedarf der besonderen schriftlichen Einwilligung. Keine Weitergabe an Dritte.
D a r s t e l l u n g im I N T E R N E T ist grundsaetzlich honorar und mehrwertsteuerpflichtig; auch als 1 : 1 Kopie in I N T E R N E T - Ausgaben von Tageszeitungen und Magazinen. Autoren - Nennung auch fuer I N T E R N E T - Darstellung gemaess ss 1 3 Urh Ges.
A C H T U N G: Jede weitere Nutzung nach dem Erstabdruck des Bildmaterials ist ebenfalls honorar - und mehrwertsteuerpflichtig ! Belegexemplar erbeten.

Stepping out of comfort zone

As Marta described her experience with Lipotype, her face lit up with excitement. She saw the opportunity as a chance to expand her knowledge and learn new things while also immersing herself in the environment of a company outside of academia.

Marta spoke about how stepping out of her comfort zone and trying something new in the industry was a great first step toward achieving her future goals. She felt that Lipotype was the perfect place to gain more insights and develop the skills she would need to pursue her career aspirations.

It was clear that Marta was filled with a sense of adventure and excitement about the possibilities that lay ahead. She was eager to embrace the challenges that Lipotype would present and was confident that this experience would help her grow both personally and professionally.

Scientists discussing scientific data in the office.

Life at Lipotype

Not only is Marta a dedicated student of molecular bioengineering, but she’s also a fitness fanatic who’s always looking to challenge herself. That’s why Marta was thrilled to learn that Lipotype values the health and wellness of its employees. Not only does Lipotype encourage exercise and a healthy lifestyle, but they also have a Lipo-Fitness session every Monday where one person organizes the High Intensive Interval Training (HIIT) program. Marta was excited to participate in this weekly fitness routine and even prepared her own workout session to share with her colleagues. According to the participants who attended her session, they were feeling the burn for a few days afterward.

Marta’s career tip: Don’t be afraid to take the bull by the horns!

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that being proactive is key. Lipotype was on my radar for ages, but I knew I couldn’t sit back and wait for them to come to me. So, I rolled up my sleeves, sent out some emails, and landed myself an interview. Simple as that! My advice to any budding scientists out there? Don’t be afraid to take the bull by the horns – you never know where it might take you!”

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About Lipotype

Lipotype is the leading lipidomics service provider to reach your research goals. Order your lipidomics service, send in your samples and get your data in as little as two weeks.