Cambridge (USA) and Dresden (Germany), December 13th 2022
The industry leading lipidomics service provider Lipotype GmbH announces the launch of their first US subsidiary, Lipotype Inc. With about 40% of Lipotype’s customers already based in the US, the expansion will allow Lipotype’s team to provide local support, enable easier sample shipment, and be a direct contact for existing and potential customers.
“This new step happened naturally,” says Dr. Oliver Uecke, CEO of Lipotype Inc. “Thanks to all the trust and support our customers have been giving us, we have been able to better understand our customers’ needs and their projects. And the establishment of a US subsidiary is a commitment from our side promising to serve them better. Through Lipotype Inc., we enable US customers to access our services and send their samples more easily. The US subsidiary will also resolve issues such as the inconvenience of communication across time zones.”
For Unilever, one of Lipotype’s customers, the establishment of Lipotype’s US subsidiary is good news. “Lipotype provides us with consistent and reliable service in the area of lipidomic sample analysis. Therefore, Lipotype establishing a US subsidiary, geographically near our labs, will certainly help us continue such endeavours“, says Dr. John Bajor at Unilever.
“Biotechnology is a pillar of innovation and economic power in the German State of Saxony,” comments Sebastian Gemkow, the Saxon Minister of Science “The founding of the US subsidiary Lipotype Inc. is a great precedent for Saxony and the biotech cluster Biosaxony.” Marc Filerman, Managing Partner – Life Sciences at German Accelerator adds “This is an important step to increase scaling in the US market. We are proud to witness the successful development of Lipotype, one of our recent German Accelerator US program alumni.”
Lipotype is a spin-off of the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany, established in 2012 by Prof. Dr. Kai Simons. Lipotype’s mass spectrometry-based platform can be applied to analysis of all types of biological samples and covers the analysis of more than 4200 lipids – the broadest lipidomics coverage the market has to offer. The analysis is robust and reproducible, combining reliable quality control procedures with state-of-the-art data visualization and statistical analyses.
Lipotype provides lipidomics analysis services under the mission of “Lipidomics for a better life” to pharmaceutical, medical, cosmetic, and food industry companies, but also academic customers from universities and research institutions. Customers of Lipotype benefit from accessing a globally unique team of molecular biologists, biostatisticians, physicians, biochemists, mass spectrometry specialists, and bioinformatics experts – all specialized in lipids and lipid metabolism research from experimental setup to biological interpretation. This team empowers R&D facilities and labs to quickly understand the complexity of lipid metabolism on a high level without committing to significant investments in instruments and specialist training.
Press Release: Lipotype, a Leading Lipidomics Service Provider, launches US subsidiary in Cambridge, Massachusetts (13.12.2022)
Press kit
Photo 1 – Oliver Uecke, CEO of Lipotype Inc.
Photo 2 – Lipotype lab (photo credit: